We lost against La Quinta. It was pretty disappointing. But I got to see the really cute senior twins there! :D SO HOT. That probably sounds weird because I'm saying it, and I don't really say stuff like that; but they are! They have a very nice running form too! ;)
Today I didn't feel too discouraged. I'm kind of just glad that season's over. My time improved by ten seconds, which is pretty good I guess. Still slower than my usual time, but I'll know I'll get there. I just wanted to run. I didn't really put a lot of heart into this race. I know that was a bad decision because it was the last race of the season against our rivals, but I don't feel too bad. I just can't wait for junior year. I'm ready to keep running and hopefully get into League!
Okay, well I have to start on my homework now. I don't really have a lot, which is a relief. All I need to do is finish three problems of math, work on history questions, and study for the AP test coming up! Hopefully my blogs aren't too boring for ya! :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Oh, and I just wanted to share a small part of some lyrics by 3oh!3 from their song "Don't Trust Me". The rest of the song isn't that great, but I REALLY like the bridge.
Shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips.
^_________^ I love that part of the song! It will never be erased from my brain.
Shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips.
^_________^ I love that part of the song! It will never be erased from my brain.
These past few days have been SO stressful. My grades slipped a lot during third quarter, and my mom was so disappointed. Now she's nagging and bugging me all the time, and it just gets on my nerve. I guess she does have a point though. If I want to get into the college of my dreams, now is not the time for my grades slip. I'll work hard this quarter to bring my grades back up to what they were, and hopefully it won't affect me negatively. It's gonna be hard work, but I'll try my best not to let my family down.
We've got our race against La Quinta tomorrow! I'm not feeling too excited about it. Right now it's just kind of blase. Hopefully I'll get my spirits up by tomorrow, and be pumped to kick some Aztec! :) I'll try to remember to take pictures, and then put some of them on here! It'll be super cool. The last race of the season before Prelims and Finals, so hopefully Bolsa will win!
This swine influenza thing is freaking me out! I'm scared that my family and friends might get it. My mom's become super anal about it too. She told me that I have to wash my hands frequently and take a shower as soon as I get home. I haven't even taken my shower yet because I was at Noel's house for an English project, and now I've got chemistry to finish and history to study. Maybe I'll take a quick one before I start, so I'll be energized and ready to go! :) But I'm scared that this disease is gonna grow into a pandemic! Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but there's no harm in being super cautious, right?
My friend Gabby came back from Texas or Corona today. She's so tall! Well, she's shorter than me but she grew taller. Welcome back Gabby! :)
Sorry I don't have anything interesting to report. This post is just a brief overview of my day. Now it's time for me to hit the books once again. Hopefully I'll get enough rest for tomorrow's race. Wish me luck! <3
We've got our race against La Quinta tomorrow! I'm not feeling too excited about it. Right now it's just kind of blase. Hopefully I'll get my spirits up by tomorrow, and be pumped to kick some Aztec! :) I'll try to remember to take pictures, and then put some of them on here! It'll be super cool. The last race of the season before Prelims and Finals, so hopefully Bolsa will win!
This swine influenza thing is freaking me out! I'm scared that my family and friends might get it. My mom's become super anal about it too. She told me that I have to wash my hands frequently and take a shower as soon as I get home. I haven't even taken my shower yet because I was at Noel's house for an English project, and now I've got chemistry to finish and history to study. Maybe I'll take a quick one before I start, so I'll be energized and ready to go! :) But I'm scared that this disease is gonna grow into a pandemic! Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but there's no harm in being super cautious, right?
My friend Gabby came back from Texas or Corona today. She's so tall! Well, she's shorter than me but she grew taller. Welcome back Gabby! :)
Sorry I don't have anything interesting to report. This post is just a brief overview of my day. Now it's time for me to hit the books once again. Hopefully I'll get enough rest for tomorrow's race. Wish me luck! <3
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Good evening <3 I got two of my cavities filled today, and the right side of my mouth is still a little numb. The left side of my mouth hurts too. (sidenote: never try to eat food when your mouth is numb. You end up hurting yourself.) I need to take better care of my teeth. I just want check ups and that's IT.
Friday night was such a blessing experience for me. Noel and I were the only ones who showed up at church last night and that gave us the chance to be open and free with Pastor Peter. I think with that night I grew a little bit closer to God; my focus kind of cleared up. I never really felt that honest with any other pastor before, and it was such an eye-opening experiences. It felt so nice to open up about things that I wanted to keep to myself. I even realized some feelings I didn't know I had. It may sound cliche, but I think the Spirit was really there that night, and I'm glad. I think I'm starting to grow more attached to my church like when I was in junior high, and I'm definitely excited. I'm ready to try and seek Him again! :) Wish me luck!
I went to Megastudy today too, and it was my last day there. I'll be going back in the summer, but lately I've been so overwhelmed with other school activites that I never really made the time to be consistent in attendance. I've definitely learned a lot there, and hope to continue learning and being school-smart! :) It was definitely fun playing hangman with Mina, Joseph, Harry, and Andrew; I hope to see them all again this summer! And maybe Scarlet will be there too! It'll be lots of fun, and I bet it won't feel too difficult when I have my friends there with me.
Today my dad left for Korea, and he didn't even tell me. Or maybe he did; he said that he told me in the morning, but I don't remember because I was really tired and grouchy. I hope he has a safe trip. He's coming back next Saturday, and I'll miss him. I think I need to grow closer with my family. My mom's probably really disappointed in me because my grades had fallen so much this past quarter. I'll try my best to make her proud of me again, and hopefully get all A's by the end of this semester! :) I'm not a quitter, remember? I'll learn to study hard and do the best I can in all I do, so that this coming junior year I can do very well. Go Phoebe! Yay <3
Well, I just wanted to write down how these past few days went. Writing in my blog is very refreshing. Hopefully this feeling will last throughout the summer. I promise you guys that I'll try very hard to regularly publish posts about everything that's going on, and hopefully I won't bore you to tears :)
Friday night was such a blessing experience for me. Noel and I were the only ones who showed up at church last night and that gave us the chance to be open and free with Pastor Peter. I think with that night I grew a little bit closer to God; my focus kind of cleared up. I never really felt that honest with any other pastor before, and it was such an eye-opening experiences. It felt so nice to open up about things that I wanted to keep to myself. I even realized some feelings I didn't know I had. It may sound cliche, but I think the Spirit was really there that night, and I'm glad. I think I'm starting to grow more attached to my church like when I was in junior high, and I'm definitely excited. I'm ready to try and seek Him again! :) Wish me luck!
I went to Megastudy today too, and it was my last day there. I'll be going back in the summer, but lately I've been so overwhelmed with other school activites that I never really made the time to be consistent in attendance. I've definitely learned a lot there, and hope to continue learning and being school-smart! :) It was definitely fun playing hangman with Mina, Joseph, Harry, and Andrew; I hope to see them all again this summer! And maybe Scarlet will be there too! It'll be lots of fun, and I bet it won't feel too difficult when I have my friends there with me.
Today my dad left for Korea, and he didn't even tell me. Or maybe he did; he said that he told me in the morning, but I don't remember because I was really tired and grouchy. I hope he has a safe trip. He's coming back next Saturday, and I'll miss him. I think I need to grow closer with my family. My mom's probably really disappointed in me because my grades had fallen so much this past quarter. I'll try my best to make her proud of me again, and hopefully get all A's by the end of this semester! :) I'm not a quitter, remember? I'll learn to study hard and do the best I can in all I do, so that this coming junior year I can do very well. Go Phoebe! Yay <3
Well, I just wanted to write down how these past few days went. Writing in my blog is very refreshing. Hopefully this feeling will last throughout the summer. I promise you guys that I'll try very hard to regularly publish posts about everything that's going on, and hopefully I won't bore you to tears :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Oops, I almost forgot! I've got a special surprise! :) I took a lot of pictures during our track meet today, and I want to share some of them with you! Want to see all of them? Go to my myspace.
Oh, but there's a side note! When we were first walking inside Los Amigos, this one guy saw us walking, and he said "Bolsa sucks!" Psh. What a jerk. He's on my list now. e________e He doesn't have any right to say that to us because we beat his school! (evil laugh).
Look, it's Coach! When we were setting up for the race, half the team went to the restroom (they're a lot better than our school's!) and when we came back, we saw this little guy int he grass! I don't really know why we named him "Coach", but I guess it's in memory of Coach I. When Kimberly (freshman! :D) and I were collecting recyclables around school, we came across this patch of grass next to the teacher's parking lot. We saw flowers and wanted to pick some of them for Nhi and Nina, and then we found the first Coach! I don't know where he is now, but it was very cool! :)
These are some of our JV Boys, with Joel Garcia in the front, I believe. Behind him I think should be some of the other Bolsa boys trying to kick some Lobo butt! I always thought the Lobo mascot was weird. I mean, does anyone really even know what a lobo is? I had no idea. It's so weird. Well anyway, our JV team is really good too! Nhi Ta was close to getting third in the 800, but he was just one second behind. It's okay, at our next race against La Quinta on April 30th, he's gonna kick some La Queer butt!

This guy's name is Frank. First of all, isn't that the crazy-coolest name you've ever heard? He's a JV runner, and he's REALLY good :) He's even got a scare tactic for his opponents. I have another picture of him with his hair flying behind him (he's got a lot of it, and he always jokes that he could pass as a girl). Kimberly, the girl who named that bug "Coach" said that he looked like Zeus, and it was so funny. Today he was put into the 800 for the first time, and he did pretty well for his first time! :) With a little bit more practice, I bet he could place and go to Finals! I'm not sure if he wants to though; but he SHOULD! Together, he, Holly, Larry, and I ran through the sprinklers during practice on a REALLY hot day, and then we went to In-N-Out for a refreshing cup of ice cool water. Yipee!
From left to right: Steve, Yuri, and Andrew! :) Steve is another Korean I met while at Bolsa, and he's really nice. Can you tell he's a junior? He's a good sprinter, and likes that smelly Korean soup. Yuri's my Unni! She and I are rivals in recyclable collecting. Today I let her have all the bottles and cans at Los Amigos because I keep taking her bottles while I'm running. ^^; SORRY UNNI! And finally, there's Andrew! I don't really know him very well, but he's a really nice guy too, and super friendly! He thought his cheeks looked chubby in this picture, but I think he's crazy.
Well, these are only a few of the photos that I took while at the away game. If you want to see more, go to my Myspace: www.myspace.com/captainxphoebe! Sorry my captions are so long and pointless; I just wanted to fill up space so it would look super cool. I bet you think they're lame, and they probably are. Oh well! It looks cool from far away :)
Oh, but there's a side note! When we were first walking inside Los Amigos, this one guy saw us walking, and he said "Bolsa sucks!" Psh. What a jerk. He's on my list now. e________e He doesn't have any right to say that to us because we beat his school! (evil laugh).

This guy's name is Frank. First of all, isn't that the crazy-coolest name you've ever heard? He's a JV runner, and he's REALLY good :) He's even got a scare tactic for his opponents. I have another picture of him with his hair flying behind him (he's got a lot of it, and he always jokes that he could pass as a girl). Kimberly, the girl who named that bug "Coach" said that he looked like Zeus, and it was so funny. Today he was put into the 800 for the first time, and he did pretty well for his first time! :) With a little bit more practice, I bet he could place and go to Finals! I'm not sure if he wants to though; but he SHOULD! Together, he, Holly, Larry, and I ran through the sprinklers during practice on a REALLY hot day, and then we went to In-N-Out for a refreshing cup of ice cool water. Yipee!
From left to right: Steve, Yuri, and Andrew! :) Steve is another Korean I met while at Bolsa, and he's really nice. Can you tell he's a junior? He's a good sprinter, and likes that smelly Korean soup. Yuri's my Unni! She and I are rivals in recyclable collecting. Today I let her have all the bottles and cans at Los Amigos because I keep taking her bottles while I'm running. ^^; SORRY UNNI! And finally, there's Andrew! I don't really know him very well, but he's a really nice guy too, and super friendly! He thought his cheeks looked chubby in this picture, but I think he's crazy.
Well, these are only a few of the photos that I took while at the away game. If you want to see more, go to my Myspace: www.myspace.com/captainxphoebe! Sorry my captions are so long and pointless; I just wanted to fill up space so it would look super cool. I bet you think they're lame, and they probably are. Oh well! It looks cool from far away :)
Look at us sophomores! :) No one can do it like we do it!
Today we had a meet against Los Amigos, and of course, our Matadors won! Why would we want those Lobos to pass us? Girls Varsity won 87 to 32, Boys Varsity won 65 to 62. Next week is our meet against La Quinta, and we are going to dominate! Let's kill 'em Matadors! >:)
Today was the first race I've run in a pretty long time, and my mile time was 7:10. That's not that great compared to the times I got when I first started out. Coach told me that "I ran scared." I didn't get it at first, because that's not even a coherent sentence. But on the ride back to school, I think I got it. Maybe I was thinking too hard about how I should run, and it felt so weird to be running on a track for a race again. I could have gone faster, I could have passed the girl in front of me; but all I was thinking about was finishing and not having to worry about anything else. That was my bad. But I'm ready for my race against those La Queer girls next week. I'm not scared! :) Our girls are gonna stomp them to the ground.
Today we had a meet against Los Amigos, and of course, our Matadors won! Why would we want those Lobos to pass us? Girls Varsity won 87 to 32, Boys Varsity won 65 to 62. Next week is our meet against La Quinta, and we are going to dominate! Let's kill 'em Matadors! >:)
Today was the first race I've run in a pretty long time, and my mile time was 7:10. That's not that great compared to the times I got when I first started out. Coach told me that "I ran scared." I didn't get it at first, because that's not even a coherent sentence. But on the ride back to school, I think I got it. Maybe I was thinking too hard about how I should run, and it felt so weird to be running on a track for a race again. I could have gone faster, I could have passed the girl in front of me; but all I was thinking about was finishing and not having to worry about anything else. That was my bad. But I'm ready for my race against those La Queer girls next week. I'm not scared! :) Our girls are gonna stomp them to the ground.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Only two more months, only two more months. I am so ready for this school year to be over. I want a fresh start! I love those. I feel like I've made lots of mistakes, and I'm ready to just forget about them and move on. I guess that kind of describes my obsession with time. I know it's kind of weird and annoying, but every thirty minutes I always set an alarm. I've never really told anyone, but the reason I do this is because it stands as repetitious "fresh starts" to be a good person and a good Christian. Of course, it never really works. I'm always messing up. But hopefully I'll never stop trying; I'm not a quiter :)
I realized that I need to spend more time with God and really try to make him the center of my life. It sounds corny, but I really miss Him. I don't know what happened, but it seems like He's really far away, and I'm not trying hard enough to find Him. It's kind of a downer, but I just get so caught up with everything else around me that He sort of fades into the distance. Bummer. I keep telling myself that I'll do whatever it takes to find that relationship again, but I always end up falling and being discouraged. I don't know where to find my motivation, and I don't know where to find my drive. It's like the third lap of the mile where you're so tired and you just want to quit; but then you're forced to run because you have to. How do I get rid of that feeling? Hopefully spending more time at church and with my friends will help me to find that passion again. Maybe I just need more discipline in my life. I need discipline, prayer, the Word, and love :) Hopefully I can see Him through all these dark times soon.
I realized that I need to spend more time with God and really try to make him the center of my life. It sounds corny, but I really miss Him. I don't know what happened, but it seems like He's really far away, and I'm not trying hard enough to find Him. It's kind of a downer, but I just get so caught up with everything else around me that He sort of fades into the distance. Bummer. I keep telling myself that I'll do whatever it takes to find that relationship again, but I always end up falling and being discouraged. I don't know where to find my motivation, and I don't know where to find my drive. It's like the third lap of the mile where you're so tired and you just want to quit; but then you're forced to run because you have to. How do I get rid of that feeling? Hopefully spending more time at church and with my friends will help me to find that passion again. Maybe I just need more discipline in my life. I need discipline, prayer, the Word, and love :) Hopefully I can see Him through all these dark times soon.
Monday, April 20, 2009
School's almost over! June 17th is the last day of my sophomore year at Bolsa, and it's kind of weird to think about it. I'm going to be a junior this September. I feel old and young at the same time, which makes me feel awkward and lame. I feel really conscious about what I do, which I think makes me even more awkward, so I end up feeling even weirder. But it's all okay I guess, because summer's coming up in about two months! There's a lot to do for summer vacation: the bonfire for the SCAC YG on June 19th, hangouts with all my buddies, and I'm probably going to study a lot, thanks to my mom. It's okay, I'll try my best in all I do, so that I can be number one! That's the spirit! :)
There are two more track meets this next one and a half weeks before the season's over, and it's against Los Amigos and La Quinta. I don't think I'll do very well because I haven't been running for a really long time. But it's okay, I'll try my best to run as fast as I can, and maybe I can get a 6:40 minute mile or something. It sucks that I just had to get injured this season, because I started off really well. But next season I'll work hard too, and maybe by senior year I can be in the league championships with Holly, Sotelo, Yuri, and Claudia! :) Just maybe.
I read Song's blog and she wrote she was watching Legally Blonde. I want to watch that movie too! So I'm gonna go watch it on Youtube, because I'm a Youtube addict.
There are two more track meets this next one and a half weeks before the season's over, and it's against Los Amigos and La Quinta. I don't think I'll do very well because I haven't been running for a really long time. But it's okay, I'll try my best to run as fast as I can, and maybe I can get a 6:40 minute mile or something. It sucks that I just had to get injured this season, because I started off really well. But next season I'll work hard too, and maybe by senior year I can be in the league championships with Holly, Sotelo, Yuri, and Claudia! :) Just maybe.
I read Song's blog and she wrote she was watching Legally Blonde. I want to watch that movie too! So I'm gonna go watch it on Youtube, because I'm a Youtube addict.
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