Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We lost against La Quinta. It was pretty disappointing. But I got to see the really cute senior twins there! :D SO HOT. That probably sounds weird because I'm saying it, and I don't really say stuff like that; but they are! They have a very nice running form too! ;)

Today I didn't feel too discouraged. I'm kind of just glad that season's over. My time improved by ten seconds, which is pretty good I guess. Still slower than my usual time, but I'll know I'll get there. I just wanted to run. I didn't really put a lot of heart into this race. I know that was a bad decision because it was the last race of the season against our rivals, but I don't feel too bad. I just can't wait for junior year. I'm ready to keep running and hopefully get into League!

Okay, well I have to start on my homework now. I don't really have a lot, which is a relief. All I need to do is finish three problems of math, work on history questions, and study for the AP test coming up! Hopefully my blogs aren't too boring for ya! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha cute senior twins are hot?! goodness, missy (;
haha it was good to spend some time with you today after school (: i miss that sort of hangout thing!