Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oops, I almost forgot! I've got a special surprise! :) I took a lot of pictures during our track meet today, and I want to share some of them with you! Want to see all of them? Go to my myspace.

Oh, but there's a side note! When we were first walking inside Los Amigos, this one guy saw us walking, and he said "Bolsa sucks!" Psh. What a jerk. He's on my list now. e________e He doesn't have any right to say that to us because we beat his school! (evil laugh).

Look, it's Coach! When we were setting up for the race, half the team went to the restroom (they're a lot better than our school's!) and when we came back, we saw this little guy int he grass! I don't really know why we named him "Coach", but I guess it's in memory of Coach I. When Kimberly (freshman! :D) and I were collecting recyclables around school, we came across this patch of grass next to the teacher's parking lot. We saw flowers and wanted to pick some of them for Nhi and Nina, and then we found the first Coach! I don't know where he is now, but it was very cool! :)

These are some of our JV Boys, with Joel Garcia in the front, I believe. Behind him I think should be some of the other Bolsa boys trying to kick some Lobo butt! I always thought the Lobo mascot was weird. I mean, does anyone really even know what a lobo is? I had no idea. It's so weird. Well anyway, our JV team is really good too! Nhi Ta was close to getting third in the 800, but he was just one second behind. It's okay, at our next race against La Quinta on April 30th, he's gonna kick some La Queer butt!

This guy's name is Frank. First of all, isn't that the crazy-coolest name you've ever heard? He's a JV runner, and he's REALLY good :) He's even got a scare tactic for his opponents. I have another picture of him with his hair flying behind him (he's got a lot of it, and he always jokes that he could pass as a girl). Kimberly, the girl who named that bug "Coach" said that he looked like Zeus, and it was so funny. Today he was put into the 800 for the first time, and he did pretty well for his first time! :) With a little bit more practice, I bet he could place and go to Finals! I'm not sure if he wants to though; but he SHOULD! Together, he, Holly, Larry, and I ran through the sprinklers during practice on a REALLY hot day, and then we went to In-N-Out for a refreshing cup of ice cool water. Yipee!

From left to right: Steve, Yuri, and Andrew! :) Steve is another Korean I met while at Bolsa, and he's really nice. Can you tell he's a junior? He's a good sprinter, and likes that smelly Korean soup. Yuri's my Unni! She and I are rivals in recyclable collecting. Today I let her have all the bottles and cans at Los Amigos because I keep taking her bottles while I'm running. ^^; SORRY UNNI! And finally, there's Andrew! I don't really know him very well, but he's a really nice guy too, and super friendly! He thought his cheeks looked chubby in this picture, but I think he's crazy.

Well, these are only a few of the photos that I took while at the away game. If you want to see more, go to my Myspace:! Sorry my captions are so long and pointless; I just wanted to fill up space so it would look super cool. I bet you think they're lame, and they probably are. Oh well! It looks cool from far away :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOOL you're so cute phoebe! (: im sad we grew apart, but i think we can change that (; im doing better in my classes, im happy! & i love fresh starts cos i feel positive and motivated &ready for anything! :D <3